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UNDER DEVELOPMENT just NOW: 10th of february to 10th of march and then updating. The specialization section will be particular under-developed for every other distribution than Ubuntu for long. Ubuntus own specializations will partly be found under optimization and partly -later- below. But as mentioned under The OpenSource exploratorium each distribution have their own specialization advantages:

For school-linux international: School-Linux

For childrens edutainment in general: Edubuntu

For audio-equilibrists: Agnula-Demudi 

For fast-processor-optimized: York-Linux

For older-PC equipment based on red-hat: Cobind-Linux

For debugging- & hardware detection: Knoppix 

For Newbie-freindly-Linux based on Debian (Also advanced servers): Ubuntulinux 

For community supported redhat alternative: Centos

For commercial Linux users that want all setup & get commercial support: Mandriva, Redhat and Suse
For extreme stable Unix servers with: Solaris


We completely renounce any damages that may occur when you use these guidelines and all you do is on your's own responsibility.

[Sorry: We are just started listing orther Ubuntu-specializations. Few are now available.

From the very beginning you can install specialized Linux-Ubuntu distributions. Look in the section Existing pages with similar names or follow our specializations.

Edubuntu - an education AND edutainment project for children. We recommend a plain optimized ubuntu with KDE & Edubuntu packages or Keep Gnome and pick-up equivalent packages.

Xubuntu for smaller computers and for the medium demanding & nice-looking Ebuntu is recommended. A plain optimized ubuntu with chosen packages of Xubuntu packages & Xfce or Ebuntu & Enlightment

Lamp server - the Linux, apache, Mysql & php combination - is the most widely distributed webserver.
Proxy server - a central machine that all other machines on the network connect to the internet through. 
Mail server - a central machine that retrieves email from the email account
Install and configure Squid (the internet object cache):
sudo apt-get install squid ...

Other technical support is found at:
For that reason we suggest that you step to our other technical support pages at:

Created by Phillip Sc. Bøgh
Last modified 2006-14-01
(Info. from

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