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No technology transfer - without information transfer

Pre-installed Linux on donated computers to trade-partners & schools”.

Low-tech developed areas exist in almost all countries, and in general these areas suffer from information deficiency and problems to recruit high skilled staff. Being part of a Linux User Group and the Open Source Society, people have an oppertunity to be self-reliant by teaching each other. However, without internet and computer equipment in low-tech areas they haven´t a chance and will further fall behind in the global Information Society.
With slow or no information flow, they will not even know the current prices of their own products, resulting in a disadvantaged position in pervasive and massive contemporary competition. Furthermore, high-tech partners have to gather all required and otherwise relevant information, for both the high and the low level tech, in an uneven, one-sided doner-recipient-relationship that may cut short what could have become a very fruitfull cooperation venture.

Production efficiency in the rich industrial countries has created an ever greater demand for new computers, due to the fact that many staff members are only familiar with one operative system, making unnecssarily extreme and inexpedient performance demands on hardware.
For that reason, thousands of even quite new computers are thrown away or disappear, which otherwise would have contributed to increased production in high-tech companies.
In stead these compagnies can donate their computers to compagnies in low-tech areas as soon as they are pre-installed with modern free software. From the moment this decision is made efficient information transfer can become future reality between trade-partners as well as increasing the education level in local society.

Pre-installing free software such as Linux is the obvious response to inexpedient performance demands on hardware, because even a simple Linux system can run fast with even older equipment and so prolong the computers life span & simultaneously be the obvious answer to environmental criticism. Beside using Linux, the computers are extremely easy to upgrade and offer opportunity for all to learn computer skills for free, which also ease the information transfer.
Of course we also recommend high-tech compagnies convert to Linux if for nother reason than Linux computer performance is adamantly stable, constant and uninteruptedly fast due to the absense of virus in the Linux systems.
Our claim is ”No Technology transfer - without Information transfer”. Our modern methods support facilitating companies implimenting greater efficiency in low-tech bussiness partners & schools in their own environmental surroundings supplying them with pre-installed Linux-computers. All of this supports and thereby increases the success rate of potential out-sourcing, investments abroard and cooperation in low tech-areas everywhere.

Who is behind? (former BioData): is the promoter of this ”No Technology transfer - without Information transfer”:
Information Transfer Support: With the ambition to prolong the use of well-working computers that are shelved or scraped by high-tech compagnies, we offer initializing support to firms that want to be self-reliant in IT using Linux. For that we like to establish LinuxUserGroups all over the world like . Latest in Kunming, China.
Environmental check: Life-circle analyses of your computer-equipment with respect to support expences.
Education for Self-help: We find educational possibilities as near as possible to your firm. Also bbs – support, forums, WIKIƛ, newsgroups etc. in your native language.
OpenSource experimentarium: We analyse your needs through conversation AND we have now established a place that may act as a presentation room of different optimized Linux-installed computers – That is an OpenSource experimentarium for bussinesses and institutions, where you can see for yourself and try to pick out your favourite distribution according to your needs. We also have extra mural consulting. 

Created by Phillip Sc. Bøgh
Last modified 2006-14-01
(Info. from

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